Testing Treatments

Testing Treatments book coverWhat are fair tests of treatments? And why do we need them? Testing Treatments is a book written for the public addressing these and many more questions. A first edition was published by the British Library in 2006, and a second edition by Pinter and Martin in 2011. The book has been a great success, and has been translated into several languages. Preparation of the books was done as one element of the work of the James Lind Initiative, a progamme of work coordinated by Iain Chalmers, an ECRAN partner, and funded by the English National Institute for Health Research.

The English texts of both editions of the book are available for free download from Testing Treatments interactive (TTi) English – and translations are available in sibling TTi websites in other languages. All of the TTi websites also contain audio materials, videos, cartoons and other materials to enhance general knowledge of fair tests of treatments.


Other available translation: http://www.testingtreatments.org
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